Organizational structure
Establish and manage the organizational structure of the enterprise to manage personnel in each department/department.
Develop, update and manage job descriptions for each personnel position in the organizational level.
Business structure
Establishing and managing the professional base of the enterprise to manage personnel according to qualifications and professional levels.
Develop, update and manage the description of necessary skills, training and experience for each level in the professional level.
The cont between the business organization level and the professional level.
Income structure
Establish, update and manage the income base according to the professional level (in the professional level) and the position (in the organizational level). The income structure includes the following main groups:
Basic salary: including salary paid according to working time or salary paid according to product.
Benefits: cash allowance and non-cashable allowance.
Personnel profile
Master data for employees.
Create personnel profiles for each employee in the business. HR resumes can be created quickly by automatically transferring information from recruitment profiles in the Recruitment subdivision.
Retrieve and display employee personnel management information according to different search criteria (For example: date of company into-giary, level, position, division...).
Save employee-related records in personnel records by the scanner version of the degrees/from.
Create a labor contract for employees directly from the personnel profile when recruiting or when updating the personnel profile. This personnel contract can be printed directly on the form of labor contract prescribed by the State.
Manage, remind different important dates related to each personnel profile (start date, start/expiration date of trial contract/part-time contract, start/expiration date of official labor contract).
Query and establish work positions and provide expertise for employees in the personnel profile. After setting up a working position and granting expertise to the personnel profile, the employee's income base will be automatically displayed to update detailed income information.
Calculate severance pay and other payments to employees when the employee concludes the employment contract with the enterprise.
Calculation of the severance pay at the end of the financial year based on the employment situation of the enterprise.
Manage the remaining days off (annual leave, break, maternity leave, overtime, overtime leave) of employees.
Personnel evaluation
Master data for personnel evaluation system (assessment criteria system, evaluation/ranking method and scale, personnel evaluation level).
Create personnel evaluation forms to set important goals and evaluation criteria (Key Performance Indicator).
Manage personnel evaluation forms according to status (create, discuss and agree with the person responsible for evaluation, mid-term evaluation, final evaluation).
Follow up on employee commendation records, commendation deadlines and employee commendation forms.
The function of calculating flowers for sales/marketers/managers in different forms of flowers.
Update the financial reward level for employees and update the Salary & Payroll subdivision to calculate the rewards.
Follow up on employee disciplinary records, disciplinary deadlines and employee discipline forms.
Establish financial discipline for employees and update the Salary & Payroll subsystem to calculate income reductions.
Timekeeping & salary
Enter the sal-of-time table for employees according to each management period (working hours/shifts/week/month/quarter/year). The work stoppage table is detailed according to different management criteria (normal working hours, extra working hours, annual leave, maternity leave, maternity leave, leave due to lack of work, leave to compensate for extra work).
Connect to specialized personnel management devices (work machines, time computers, access card readers). Import automatic workload data from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Query and display statistical reports according to different management criteria.
Calculate employee income based on the income base of each employee and information related to income updated from other subdivisions in the Human Resources Division. The income spreadsheet details all the factors of the income mechanism to manage and explain to employees.
Retrieve salary data into bank receipts/cash receipts to make salary payments/signing receipts by employees.
Retrieve salary data from personal income tax declaration and social insurance.
Retrieve salary data into payroll accounting forms in the Financial Division.
The feature of calculating and calculating personal income tax at the end of the year after making the payment of all annual benefits, benefits and deducts to employees.
Personnel report
The library system updates all personnel reports according to current regulations.
The system of illustrations/reports analyzes the human resource situation according to the needs of the business.
Figure 1: Labor contract management
Figure 2: Leave management
Figure 3: Overtime manage
Figure 4: Timekeeping management
Figure 5: Management of work